RPS Blue Blank Image

Outstanding Service

The award for Outstanding Service recognises major sustained, outstanding and influential contributions to the advancement of Photography and/or Imaging in their widest meanings.  To be eligible candidates must have made a contribution that has had a significant influence on the sustained advancement or enhancement of photography or imaging.  Such influence may, but not necessarily, have been through commercial activities. 

This award is to be made occasionally to a notable person who has contributed over a significant period of time to the global world of photography.  Recipients might include communicators, directors of museums, picture libraries or galleries, archivists, senior administrators, CEOs or team leaders of manufacturing or service organisations that have advanced imaging.

It carries an Honorary Fellowship of the RPS. 
2022 Howard Greenberg
2021 Zelda Cheatle
2020 Professor Deborah Willis PhD
Dr Mark Sealy MBE
2018 Brett Rogers OBE
2017 Anthony d'Offay
2016 William Ewing
2015 Dr Maria Morris Hambourg
2014 Terence Pepper OBE, HonFRPS
2013 Weston Naef HonFRPS
2012 Kathy Ryan HonFRPS
2011 Philippe Garner HonFRPS
2010 Michael G Wilson OBE, HonFRPS
2009 Dewi Lewis HonFRPS