Hay_Mat_Felipe Barrera Aguirre, traditional Chinampero farmer and agroecology teacher
Announcing the IPE166 Exhibitors
International Photography Exhibition 166

Discover the featured artists for the International Photography Exhibition 166, the world’s longest-running contemporary photography exhibition. Featuring the powerful work of 51 international photographers, selected from over 4,000 artists, exploring themes of environmental issues, identity, community, family, and culture.

Where the sons of eternity singing by Alisa Martynova
CREDIT: Alisa Martynova
RPS Documentary Photography Awards
RPS Gallery Bristol | 17 January – 9 March 2025

The Documentary Photography Awards (DPA) is organised by the Royal Photographic Society's Documentary Group. The RPS Documentary Group has run the awards, this edition changes the focus to a broader celebration and recognition of documentary photography from around the world.

UK19 471 Marbled White (Melanargia Galathea) And Full Moon, Barbury Castle, Wiltshire © Robert Harvey Www.Naturalworldphotography.Net
CREDIT: Robert Harvey ARPS
Explore our upcoming workshops
January and February

From Wildlife photography to building your own website we have a whole range of workshops for you to explore.