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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

Lucinda Grange
CREDIT: Lucinda Grange

AGM 2022 - The Photographer's Journey

Registration now open. Book here → 

The RPS AGM 2022, The Photographer's Journey, has been designed with you, our members, in mind. The programme has been put together by a fantastic team of volunteers and will take you through the many different areas of the RPS, and demonstrate all we can do to help take your photography forwards.

The day includes inspirational speakers, a tour of our brand-new online member-only Portal, insights into our certified courses and opportunities available all year round, and much more. We hope that by the end of the day you will leave with a better idea of how we can help you on your own photographic journey, no matter where you are along the way.

Key Information

Saturday 24 September 2022 10.00 to 16.30 BST 

In-person at RPS House or online via Zoom 

Free to members and non-members (donation invited) 

Book your tickets HERE


The AGM programme for the day starts from 10am and the business agenda will last no longer than one hour. Find out more here

The Photographer's Journey 

At the RPS, we want everyone to enjoy photography irrespective of your age or technical ability. Whether you use a smartphone camera, or have an arsenal of sophisticated equipment, we can help you develop your practical and creative photography skills.

At this year’s AGM, we will inspire you along your own photographic pathway with our programme of talks and events.

We start by meeting a very talented and exciting photographer, Lucinda Grange, an award-winning adventure photographer, currently based between New York City, Zurich and North-East England. Lucinda literally takes photography to a whole new level - she has travelled the world, scaling some of the tallest and most iconic structures and buildings. The resulting incredible imagery inspires us to think outside the box when it comes to our images, and we can't wait for you to hear from her.

Aneesa Dawoojee FRPS is an award-winning social documentary and portrait photographer. Aneesa's heart very much belongs to the community she grew up in. Her images aim to break bias, celebrate community and initiate social discussion through emotions and lived experiences. She delivers outreach and education work across the country to break down social barriers by sharing the resilience and power of ordinary people with dreams. 

Aneesa's work has been published in the British Journal of Photography’s  ‘Portrait of Humanity’ Vol. 4, Forbes Woman Africa and she holds fellowships with the Royal Photographic Society and the British Institute of Professional Photographers. She was featured as one of the 7 women in the Wex photo video ‘change the image’ campaign representing photographers in the industry who are trying to work differently. Currently exhibiting in London, supported by the Arts Council England. You may have also seen her work in the most recent International Photography Exhibition 163, where she was awarded the solo show award, opening at RPS Gallery in 2023. We really admire Aneesa's approach to her own photographic journey and hope you will be motivated by her goals, values and outlook on photography.

There will also be presentations by RPS staff explaining how our new members portal system will help us to deliver to every Member a bespoke and highly personalised service that will encourage and support your own photographic journey.

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Following our keynote speakers in the morning session, we will be giving you an overview of the new CRM and Portal and share the exciting upcoming additions to the system that you will all be able to enjoy soon.

Afterwards, we will take a closer look at what the RPS has to offer you and meet the organisations who run courses in conjunction with us. We will also look at how Distinctions can play a key part in your photographic journey.

10.00 Open – President Simon Hill HonFRPS 

10.05 Lucinda Grange in conversation with Simon Hill 

10.55 Comfort break 

11.00 AGM opens

Report and accounts (votes of acceptance) 

Q&A on Report & Accounts  

Motion (result of voting) 

President’s address 

12.00 AGM Closes  

12.10 Aneesa Dawoojee FBIPP FRPS 

13.00 Lunch 

13.45 CEO Evan Dawson opens the afternoon session –  The Photographer’s Journey  

13.50 George Thomas - The new CRM and how members can use this system 

14.05 Liz Williams – RPS Education Manager 

14.20 OCA courses - tutor and students 

14.45 comfort break 

14.55 OU courses - tutor and students 

15.15 The Photographer’s Journey - Distinctions presenter Andy Golding ASICI FRPS 

15.35 comfort break  

15.45 What’s available via the various groups - Janet Haines 

16.05 CEO Evan Dawson  

16.30 Simon Hill and Evan Dawson - Close 


Book your tickets HERE