RPS Blue Blank Image

Fenton Medal

This award is named after Roger Fenton, one of The Society’s founders and then for several years its Honorary Secretary. The award is made to a member or non-member who has made an outstanding contribution to the work of The Royal Photographic Society. Usually, no more than three or four Fenton Medals are awarded each year.  Since 1998 this award carries Honorary Membership of The Society.

2023 Vanessa Slawson FRPS, Dr Rolf Kraehenbuehl ARPS, Chris Renk, Raven Nandwana

2022 Sue Brown FRPS, Robert Gates ARPS, Janet Haines ARPS, Richard Brown FRPS

2021 Mary Crowther ARPS, Mark Reeves ARPS, Stewart Wall ARPS, Rex Waygood and Peter Hayes FRPS

2020 Dr Tony Kaye ASIS FRPS, Armando Jongejan FRPS, David Osborn FRPS 

2019 Lesley Goode, Clive Haynes FRPS, Alastair McGhee ARPS, Roy Robertson HonFRPS

2018 Geoff Blackwell ARPS, Ken Grier, Mrs Ann Lanagan, Dr Ann Miles FRPS

2017 Colin Harding, Brian Liddy, Donald Stewart FRPS, Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS

2016 John Bebbington FRPS, Professor Hermon Dowling ARPS, Professor Paul Hill MBE, Professor Andrea Liggins ASICI FRPS, John R Simpson ARPS

2015 Anne Cassidy FRPS, Paul Goodman, Leo Palmer FRPS, Mark Buckley-Sharp ARPS

2014 Andy Finney, Sue Harper, Jenny Leathes ARPS, Robert Tapper ASIS FRPS

2013 Dr Afzal Ansary ASIS FRPS, Alan Elliott ARPS, Dawn Osborne FRPS, Dr Tim Rudman FRPS

2012 Philip Ellis ASIS FRPS, Dr Michael Hallett FRPS, Jack Jackson FRPS, Ray Spence FRPS

2011 Des Clinton FRPS, Jim Moreland FRPS, Professor Francis Ring ASIS FRPS, Dr Barry Senior Hon FRPS

2010 Ian Bailey LRPS, Julian Comrie FRPS, Professor Ralph Jacobson ASIS HonFRPS, David J Wood ARPS

2009 Sara Beaugeard, Robert F Rowe, Nicholas J Scott, Roger Tooth, Jeff Vickers MBE FRPS

2008 John Chamberlin FRPS, Peter Sephton Coles FRPS, Tom Dodd FRPS, John Page HonFRPS

2007 Carol Agar, John Hankin LRPS, Dr Robin Jenkin ARPS, Brian Steptoe FRPS, Tony Wharton FRPS

2006 Andy Golding, Professor Mark Haworth-Booth Hon FRPS, Alan Millward FRPS, Tony Troman ARPS

2005 Sandy Cleland FRPS, Richard Sadler FRPS, Margaret Salisbury FRPS, Keith Suddaby FRPS

2004 Andy Callow, D H O John, Keith Lawrey, Dr A Sethna

2003 Jane H Black, Ron Frampton, Robert F Moore, Jerry Wooldridge

2002 Bryn Campbell, Roger Reynolds, Dr Michael Christianson, Roy Green

2001 John Long, Ossie Morris, Bill Wisden

2000 Joan Wakelin, Jon Richardson

1999 Dr Peter Agius, Dr Akira Aoki, David Tay Poey Cher

1998 Dr Michael Austin, Tony Hilton, Tan Lip Seng

1996/7 Brian Bower, Dr Michael R Pointer, Anthony J Waterlow

1995 Gustav Ahrens, Colin Balls, H S Fry

1994 Margaret Hodge, Mervyn Leonardo de Calcina-Goff

1993 Edward Bowman, Hilary Graves, Matheson Beaumont

1992 Peter Wilkinson, Desmond Groves, Kay Gordon, David Nellist

1991 Anne Bolt, Barry Mead

1990 Arthur Downes

1989 David Dearnley, Pat Hallett, Prof M Harker, E Pothecary

1988 R Brightman, Herbert Dennis

1987 J D J Cole, R H Mason, G Smith

1986 R J Cox

1985 John Bardsley

1984 Sam Welford

1983 L Bowcock, Sir George and Lady Pollock, Eve Ritscher

1982 E Nicholson

1981 C Morris

1980 E J Moorfoot, R Boyes, K Warr