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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

RPS House

AGM 2021

The meeting will be held on

Saturday 25 September 2021 @ 11.00 BST

The meeting will be held online for the purpose of voting and announcing of the results for the Appointment of new Elected Trustees and any resolutions brought to the AGM for Member approval.

All RPS members are invited and encouraged to engage with the process, whether as prospective Trustee candidates or ordinary Members keen to be involved with the governance and future of the RPS.

A message from the President

“Since 1853, the Royal Photographic Society has played a major and international role in the promotion of the art and science of photography.  Each year, our Annual General Meeting has been the opportunity for Members to receive the Annual Report and Accounts, appoint the Auditor, and conclude the election of new Trustees.  This year we are launching a new and far-reaching Strategic Plan that will re-imagine the shape and direction of the Society for many years to come.  I hope you will register to attend the AGM and contribute to a discussion on the progress of our plans for the direction of the Society." 

Simon Hill HonFRPS

President and Chair of the Trustees



Under the 2021 By Laws the Board of Trustees shall consist of:

7 Elected Members, including the President

5 Appointed Members, including the Hon Treasurer

Existing Trustees still in service at the time of the 2021 elections are:

President Simon Hill HonFRPS and Hon Treasurer John Miskelly FRPS . The terms under which they were elected means they will both remain until the close of the AGM in 2023. Both have had 100% attendance at Board meetings (By Law 16.8a)

We are therefore seeking to appoint the following:

6 Ordinary Elected Trustees to serve for 3 years

4 Appointed Trustees to serve for 3 years


Trustee candidates

Candidates should note that the Nominations Committee (NomCom) has been appointed by the RPS Board. Its role it is to advise the Board on which nominees should be endorsed as having the required attributes needed to meet the current and future needs of the society.

The closing date for applications was 23rd May 2021.

All candidates must be paid up members of the RPS and must remain so during the election.  If elected to the Board of Trustees, the successful candidates must remain paid-up members of the RPS throughout the period of their Trusteeship

NomCom will contact candidates should further clarifications be needed.

Timeline for Trustee Candidates

Nominations Open                                                           12 April 2021

Nominations Close                                                           23 May 2021

NomCom review applications                                             June 2021

Voting opens                                                                   1 August 2021

Voting closes                                                                   31 August 2021


Resolutions for the AGM

If you would like to propose a motion for this years AGM. Please fill out this form HERE

You will need 25 supporters for your motion to take it forward to the AGM. The form will close on June 14th 2021.

ByLaw 26.5 A Member wishing to submit a motion at an Annual General Meeting may do so provided written notice of the proposed motion is received at the registered office of the Society three months before the date of the meeting, setting out the proposed motion, including the names and membership numbers of not less than 25 Members who support the proposed motion.


Please bookmark this page to return to throughout the AGM process as it will be updated and provide more information as we progress.