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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

Jan Ros ARPS Night Photography 02 2

RPS Benelux Chapter

What you need to know.

About the Benelux Chapter

The RPS BENELUX Chapter provides a central point of contact for RPS members in The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg (BENELUX).

Events are scheduled throughout the whole BENELUX area. Our activities include Distinction Advisory Days, photographic projects, photographic trips, workshops, exhibitions, etc. and a continuing exchange of knowledge and experience through e-mail, internet and regular meetings.

We welcome contact from RPS members everywhere. So if you are visiting in one of the BENELUX countries, please do get in touch - you will be most welcome. Most of our events are open to visitors, depending on the space available.

Chapter Contacts

Organiser Carol Olerud FRPS
Treasurer Jeroen Dorrestein
Webmaster Katherine Maguire ARPS

We are calling for members to join the committee, if you are interested please email the Organiser.

Accolade 11

From page 80, read about some of our Chapter’s events over the years.

Rockin' Rotterdam was a project of RPS Benelux to photograph every street of Rotterdam. See the book for background information and a selection of pictures.

