© Gem Toes-Crichton / - Nicotiana benthamiana Domin.
CREDIT: © Gem Toes-Crichton / - Nicotiana benthamiana Domin.

Photography, Illustration and Flora with Gem Toes-Crichton

Event info

When Anna Atkins made the first photobook in 1843, flora of different types have been at the forefront of photography. In this lecture, Gem Toes-Crichton will examine the history of flora in photography, the overlap between flora and multiple alternative processes (beginning with Atkins’ cyanotypes). She will also look at how photography, illustration, and science have overlapped in images of flora, and why illustration remains the preferred method of record at many of the herbaria around the world today (including the one where Gem has made her own work).

This two-hour talk and Q+A is part of a series of eight aiming at creating  connections between the processes of making work and how local, international, ethical, creative and commercial concerns overlap in the  showing, publishing, and dissemination of  work. The talks will examine the photobook, the exhibition, the archive, collaborative work, the photo-festival, power, and regional identities. Each talk stands alone, but forms part of the series.  

The series runs from 3 March-21 April and is available at a discounted rate when compared to attending each talk individually. See details of the full series here: https://rps.org/looking3

Event Organiser

Dr Michael Pritchard FRPS


Cancellation policy

This is an online event. The RPS will do its best to ensure that the event keeps to the published dates and timings and runs as planned. In the event of technical difficulties, the unforeseen unavailability of speaker(s), or in the unlikely event that the series or part thereof has to be cancelled all participants will be advised at the earliest opportunity. Dates will be re-arranged or a refund made. No responsibility is accepted for any consequential losses.



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