Covering Beauty: Global Photography from Alissa Everett
Event info
Photographer Alissa Everett will be in conversation with RPS President Simon Hill on two decades of documenting social issues, remote locations, and indigenous cultures from Iraq to Ukraine.
This event is free. It will be held via Zoom start at 1830 (BST). The conversation will be followed by a public Q+A.
The RPS website booking system is currently unavailable. Please click the link here to book a place in the room or online.
Everett initially began her journey as a photographer in conflict zones and was on the ground during major events in the Iraq conflict – she was the only photographer allowed to take pictures at the capture of Saddam Hussein’s infamous sons on the outskirts of Mosul and was in Baghdad - documenting the local reaction when Hussein himself was found. Despite this, her work has never been about the oft-sensationalized aspects of war, and she has actively shied away from the role of conflict documentarian to follow the human consequences of large-scale crises. In contrast to media reportage and photojournalism capturing brutality and fighting, Everett’s work takes on an almost painterly feel as she captures intimate moments of life through the lens.
Alissa Everett is Californian born. Now Nairobi based photographer she has been working since 2003 to document humanitarian issues in countries around the world including Iraq, Darfur, Gaza, South Sudan, Afghanistan, DR Congo and Ukraine. Alissa’s work has been recognised by the International Photography Awards, Sony World Photography Awards, Siena Photo Awards, Gordon Parks Photo Awards, Photography Open Salon Arles and the International Women's Media Foundation. In 2007 Alissa founded Exposing Hope, a 501 (c)(3) C3 non-profit (www.exposinghope.org), to raise awareness and funds for victims of human rights abuses worldwide through documentary photography.
Simon Hill HonFRPS, RPS President and Chair of Trustees, has been taking photographs since he was three years old and joined the RPS while still at school. He gained his LRPS while taking his A Levels, his ARPS after graduating from art college and, in 1991, was awarded his FRPS shortly after beginning in professional practice as a photographer. He has a BA in photography from UCA and an MA from St Martins School of Art, London.
FB/Instagram: @alissaeverett
Linkedin: /AlissaEverett
Website: www.alissaeverett.com
Event Organiser
- Name
- Michael Pritchard
- michael@rps.org
- Tel
- 0117 316 4474
- Cancellation policy
This is an online event. The RPS will do its best to ensure that it keeps to the published timings and runs as planned. In the unlikely event that the event has to be cancelled all registrants will be advised by email at the earliest opportunity and a full refund made. No responsibility will be accepted for any consequential losses.
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