Natural History Advisory Day Advice
Event info
The Nature Group is hosting an On-line Advisory Day for Associate and Fellowship on Saturday January 14th 2023
What are Distinctions?
The objective of the RPS Distinctions programme is to support and inspire everyone to improve their own photography practice, and to celebrate those who reach clearly defined standards.
We also support people to undertake structured assessments alongside a tailored and friendly education programme, which includes Advisory days.
What is an Advisory Day?
Everyone can get advice on their body of work before applying for the Distinction or attend as a observer to learn about the Distinctions process and see examples of a successful panels for Natural History
Associateship, this is our second level, applicants must submit a body of work/project consisting of 15 images and a written statement and presentation layout. The images must be all be of a high standard.
Fellowship, this is our highest level. It requires a distinctive and cohesive body of work/project consisting of 20 or 21 images, accompanied by a written statement of intent and a presentation layout.
Getting advice on your images and how many should I bring?
Please supply a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 20 images for advice for the Associateship
Please supply a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 25 images for advice for the Fellowship
You may be interested in the very active Distinctions Facebook page, which contains comments and examples - both successful and unsuccessful - from all levels of applicants.
Mick Durham FRPS and Kevin Elsby FRPS
The places are now filled. We will maintain a waiting list so please contact annmiles70@gmail.com . There are plenty of Observer places and, if there are sufficient people we may run a second event.
The link to book an Observer place is
Any problems booking, please email annmiles70@gmail.com
If you are interested in attending an Advisory Day, please email annmiles70@gmail.com a
Event Organiser
- Name
- Ann Miles
- annmiles70@gmail.com
- Tel
- 07710383586
- Cancellation policy
The Society is unable to refund any cancellation or offer a transfer to another event if the attendee does not notify the organiser by e-mail 14 days prior to the event start date: email annmiles70@gmail.com) The Society reserves the right to cancel any event 7 days prior to its start date, or less than 24 hours due to any extraordinary circumstances beyond its control.
- Address
Join from your location
Link attached to event booking confirmation email