Hammerhead & Drill 22-10-22
CREDIT: Dave Shillabeer ARPS

RPS Scotland Northern Photoforum

Event info

RPS Scotland Northern Photoforum


The Northern Group are going to hold a 'Photoforum' on Saturday 22nd October starting at 1030 at Nairn Community and Arts Centre, King St, Nairn.

This is not a formal Advisory day. It is a chance for people to come along and meet in an informal atmosphere with a body of work that you are currently working on.  It may be just a germ of an idea you are wanting to take forward and are looking for other peoples thoughts, opinions and ideas as to how to proceed. You may be considering taking a distinction and are looking for peoples thoughts before embarking on the distinctions process where official advice is given. Anyone can show work whether members or not so it's a chance for members of camera clubs to come along to show their work and meet members of the RPS, hopefully with a view to maybe joining. The day is deliberately light hearted and everybody can join in. Those showing work can bring a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 prints preferably mounted on card for display as you would do for a club competition. For those unable to produce a print bring your pictures on a memory stick so they can be shown on a monitor.

Images. Mounted Prints Minimum number 4, Maximum 6.

              Digital images Minimum 4, maximum 6 in sRGB colour space.

The venue is very close to Nairn town centre on the main A96. There is a Co-op supermarket and a cafe takeaway within 5 minutes walking distance. Free public parking is available at the venue and across the road. Pre booking is advised via the new RPS Portal when it becomes available. When booking please advise whether you are just observing or showing prints or digital images.


To provide constructive feedback on portfolios of work, informed by panel members, following the past experience for Scottish members of a relaxed, informal day.

Format of the event

Photographers are invited to bring along minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 images related prints or PDIs (JPEG sRGB) to discuss in a friendly supportive environment. Work could be part of a panel, or a project that you are working on, work for an exhibition, or a technique that you are developing. It is not a distinction advisory day, although anyone working towards a distinction might find it useful to discuss their work.


Nairn Community and Arts Centre, King St, Nairn IV12 4BQ


RPS members £10 and guests/non members £15.


Will be on-line via this site through the link at the top of the page. This Booking is nade using Eventbrite as the new system is not yet on line.

This event is open to all RPS Members and Non-Members

Event Organiser

David Shillabeer ARPS


Cancellation policy

If you wish to cancel, no refunds will be given. The Society reserves the right to cancel an event 7 days prior to its start date.


Nairn Community & Arts Centre,

King Street


IV12 4BQ