Margaret Mitchell - An Ordinary Eden
Event info
An Ordinary Eden contemplates the universal need to belong, lay roots, and be connected to people and place.
To be without a permanent home is both a tangible and an emotional experience, where the necessity for safety and security accompanies a need to belong. In An Ordinary Eden, individuals across Scotland offer an insight into both practical and psychosocial repercussions of transient and precarious experiences of ‘home’.
All the people photographed had different stories on housing and home. All have been homeless at some point; some still were throughout the project. And all had different paths that brought them to their present, with histories that were multi-layered, complex, and nuanced. In each person resides a story of rebuilding and redemption, of leaving a past to forge a new future. Alongside this lies the acknowledgment of the impact their experiences have left on them as they seek to create roots and belong once more.
Each individual’s idea of ‘home’ is not a wish for a future idealised scenario, an unattainable fantasy. Rather, it is the ordinary, the everyday that is sought: safety, security, stability. This work is rooted in an appeal to our basic humanity, our compassion. That the impact of being without a home – in all the ways that can happen – is understood not only in an immediate practical manner but also on an emotional level. The need to belong and have meaningful connections with others. We should all be able to do that in a society that cares, in a society that works for all.
This is not a search for utopia, an unreachable fantasy. It is the simple wish for a regular life. A pursuit for each individual’s Ordinary Eden.
“Where do I want to go? Somewhere slightly better than here”
© Margaret Mitchell
© Margaret Mitchell
© Margaret Mitchell
© Margaret Mitchell
Zoom video-conferencing
This event will take place via video-conference using Zoom Webinar.
You will be emailed a link in advance so you can join the event. Watch for a PDF document attached to your RPS Event Booking Confirmation email for more information about Zoom.
During the event you will be able to see Margaret Mitchell and her images. You will be able to ask questions after the session.
Booking a place
You will need to book online in order to be able to access this event.
Booking closes at 17.00 GMT on Tuesday 12th November 2024. This event is free for all, but you will still have to ‘purchase’ a (free) ticket to join the event. Please book a place through Salesforce (link provided) in order to participate.
If you are outside the UK this service will help you to calculate the timing of the online workshop.
After booking you will receive an RPS Event Booking Confirmation email. If you do not receive this, you have not succeeded in booking a ticket.
Your data
Your personal data (name, email address and telephone number) that you supply when booking the online event will be passed to the RPS Scotland organiser in order to enable them to:
1. Contact you in advance of the event to remind you or notify you of joining instructions (or changes thereto) etc.
2. Contact you at short notice before or during an event in case of any
emergency or last-minute changes.
3. Contact you at the end of the event for your feedback.
By booking this event you are deemed to consent to this transfer of your data. The event may be recorded and published.
By joining the event you are deemed to consent to our making a recording of the event available online afterwards.
- Cancellation policy
If circumstances beyond our control cause cancellation of the online event you will be reimbursed. It is for each attendee to ensure they are able to view this presentation online. It may not be possible for the host/organiser to rectify any problems attendees may have. For that reason, it is in your best interest to satisfy yourself that you can communicate via Zoom before the event. No refund will be available if you are unable to attend the meeting for any reason.
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