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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

Punters by AJ Wood ARPS


Resources for documentary photographers

This section contains a variety of resources for the Documentary Group community.  We will update and develop this space with recommended and useful Documentary Photography resources. Feel free to make your own suggestions for additions: 


Reference Books
CREDIT: Mark A Phillips FRPS
Reference books

A range of books on the theory, practice and development of Documentary and long-term projects. 

Access to the online Archive of RPS journals can be found here

Access to our own Decisive Moment online magazines can be found here

Monsanto Asselin
Documentary Photobooks and Projects

A list of our favourite photobooks by a range of photographers from seminal books to recent publications.  (work in progress)

Please feel free to contact us, to suggest additional recommended resources. 

Favourite Books
Favourite Street Photobooks and Links

A selection of 'street' photobooks by a range of photographers from seminal books to recent publications. 

Please feel free to contact us, to suggest additional recommended resources. 


A list of Magazines that focus on Documentary projects.

On-line photography archives

This list of on-line picture archives can serve as a source of inspiration or as research material for your own  documentary projects.

Links recently updated.  If you find a broken link please let us know so we can update it. 

PDF version of this list is available at On-line Photography Archives .