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Remember to register for the Annual General Meeting of the Royal Photographic Society

A photograph of a crowd gathering round a boy looking through a telescope.
CREDIT: The Royal Photographic Society Collection at the V&A

About us

Boy looking through telescope - Paul Martin

Membership of the Historical Group is diverse and includes includes historians, academics, museum professionals, auction specialists, collectors, dealers, and general enthusiasts.

Our interests range from particular photographers, aesthetic movements, cameras, processes and photographic technology. Articles on these and other topics are published in The PhotoHistorian, the illustrated journal of the Group.

The Group runs a programme of talks and lectures, an annual research day, and visits to photographic collections in the UK and abroad. Past trips include Paris (2011 and 2014), Hungary (2013), Amsterdam (2014), Wetzlar, Germany (2017) and Lyon and Chalon-sur-Saône, France (2019). 

The group also represents an expert body of knowledge on historical photographic matters, and is willing whenever possible to assist members and others with their research.

Those who are not members of the Group may obtain a subscription to The PhotoHistorian at the annual rate of £60 (UK based) or £75 (overseas).

The Annual General Meeting is normally held in March.


Contact us 

Chair: Gilly Read FRPS  

Deputy Chair and Membership Secretary: Dr Ed Bylina

Secretary: Eric Butler

Minutes Secretary: Dr Rob Crow FRPS

Treasurer: Geoff Blackwell FRPS

Research Co-ordinator: Janine Freeston ARPS

Web Editor: Dr David Barber

Committee Members

Roger Farnham

Richard Fattorini

Dr. Michael Pritchard FRPS


Colin Ford CBE HonFRPS

Colin Harding