The PhotoHistorian
No. 200 / Winter 2024 is now available.
The PhotoHistorian no. 200 features articles on the history of The PhotoHistorian since 1972; Rebecca Sharpe of the Brian May Archive of Stereoscopy on a previously unknown female photographer; and New Zealand pictorialist photographer George Chance.
Available to RPS Historical Group members. Subscription rates below.
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The Historical Group began publishing a quarterly newsletter in 1972. In 1989, it was renamed The PhotoHistorian.
Initially the journal included proceedings of meetings of the group, along with research articles by members and outside contributors and relevant news and reviews from the history of photography community.
It is now an articles-only journal with papers ranging from photographic aesthetics to technology and processes.
It is free to members of the group and available by subscription at the annual rate of £60 (UK based) or £75 (overseas) to museums, galleries and academic institutions.
The ISSN number is: 0956-1455
The editor can be contacted by email here.
From 1st January 2024, the journal is also available as a digital download at reduced rates including for those under 35.
For further information, email Geoff Blackwell at