Travel Image of the Month - February 2025 : Deadline 28th February 2025.
These images have been submitted as part of our monthly competition of 2025.
Please ensure that your Jpeg images are submitted at 1000px wide and 72dpi. This is a change of rule from 2022.
If your photo is more than 1000 px wide and is not 72 dpi, you will be asked to resubmit your photo.
Each month Group members are invited to submit one image. Images should be no more than 1000px wide and at 72ppi and should demonstrate a sense of place.
There is no restriction on height of the shot – as long as it is reasonable.
There are no restrictions on the age of the photograph you submit, apart from the requirement for the chosen image not to have previously been submitted before into an RPS competition. We strongly recommend that it should not previously have been shared on Facebook.
Images will be available on the website as they are submitted and clicking on the title will bring up a ‘Lightbox’ image for clearer viewing.
The closing date is the last day of the month, judging will take place as soon after as is practicable and results will be announced on the website.
Submit your entries to It would be immensely helpful if you would put the title of your photo AND its location in the name of the image file.
The winning shot will be added to the Travel Image of the Month page on the website, with the monthly winners competing to be the Group’s best of the best monthly travel photograph of the year. This will be announced at the Group’s Spring Event.
By submitting an entry you agree that any image entered may be used by the Royal Photographic Society, including the Travel Group, in promoting its Charitable status to further the public appreciation of photography at its highest standards.
The closing date for this month is the 28th February 2025 .
Submit your entries to
Click on the TITLE to bring up a ‘Lightbox’ image for clearer viewing. Use the browser's back button to return to the previous page.