The Eye Of The Sun

Giants of Photography - Lady Elizabeth Eastlake

Studying stuff in the writings of others

I have been studying stuff in the work of Lady Elizabeth Eastlake, particularly an essay attributed to her that was published in 1857. I recommend her here not as a photographer but as a critic and for the quality of her writing on the subject. Inspiring stuff to study on art and photography.

I first came across her work at an exhibition in Washington DC entitled The eye of the Sun. This resource itself is great stuff to study, including the work of Roger Fenton. The introductory caption at the entrance to the exhibition notes it as "Integrating art and science, photography...", a quotation from Lady Eastlake as indeed is the title of the exhibition.

Her connection to art and photography in those times is interesting too. She was a leading proponent of Photography as Art so I think it is fitting that 160 years on her work is used to open a major exhibition at a National Gallery of Art.

In addition to her position as a critic she was married to Charles Eastlake, who later became both President of the Royal Academy and Director of the National Gallery. He was also the first President of the RPS.