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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

Inspired By Microscopy

Imaging aspirations

To "redefine the destiny of a child"

I read a lot. I read the RPS Journal but I spend most of my time with journals that are information heavy. The current one on my desk is Electro Optics.

The overlap with photography is substantial; modern cameras are after all a combination of electronics and optics. The overlap with our Charter definition of Photography is substantial too. We have a Medical Group; we used to have a holography group too and both of these came to mind as a read an article on microscopy.

The article had a distinct medical diagnostic focus. I found interesting as I have professional interest in Medical Imaging and both holographic image reconstruction and microscopy.  Then I came to the final paragraph, which caused me to reread the article several times. It talked of taking miniature microscopes into villages infected with neglected tropical diseases. The final sentence read "And we can solve a problem that can redefine the destiny of a child".

Photography and imaging alike can record and change events. Our Charter can and should embrace all of these. As we near the end of 2020 this is a laudable ambition for 2021. To redefine the destiny of a child.