no.12 The Uncanny
CREDIT: Chirag Jindal

The ground beneath us

and the diversity of Photography

I have been looking at some interesting, useful and beautiful images of the ground beneath our feet.

The first was the Under 30s IPE award winner Chirag Jindal who has been using LiDAR, an emerging form of lens-based imaging applied in archaeological surveying to create beautiful and informative images of lava caves under the city of Auckland. I was there a couple of years ago - I wish I had known about these at the time. Call in and see the full IPE show in the RPS Gallery.

The second example may be not quite as beautiful but illustrates ground survey photography for a social purpose, this time utilising drone imaging. A group at the University of Bristol are doing drone surveys of the areas around the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, spotting radioactive hot spots still to be dealt with. Read their article and take a look at their work. I am out and about this coming week and plan to visit this group. Wish I could do Auckland again too!