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RPS Journal

It's the RPS Journal!

Looking forward to a good read

The new look RPS Journal has just dropped through my door. Time to get out the reading glasses, pour a cup of tea and get stuck in.

As usual I open it up and give it a quick browse. I am always intrigued (and sometimes surprised) as to what catches my eye. The work of David Hurn always does this so that was an easy spot. I like to read how work is done - "How I did this" stopped me too. And the monochrome work of Chloe Alexandra, student at University of South Wales. Must check out more of her work.

The Science article I know will take plenty of study. I have a particular fondness for Hubble imagery and 3D printing. And the monochrome images of Migrant Mother I am sure will make a great story. I will also be interested in the Bursary article on Lisbon as I spent some time there just before lockdown, visiting galleries and a conference. Did we see it the same way?

As usual I will pass my copy on to a friend. But it will hopefully keep me engaged for a little while yet!

So what are your thoughts? We are invited to email them in to .