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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

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New Look for RPS Journal

‘It is an incredibly brave design – bold and contemporary. It forges its own path, and is a completely new direction for the journal of a membership organisation like the RPS.’   

– Simon Hill FRPS, President Elect of the RPS  

The RPS Journal, the award-winning magazine for RPS members, has been given a fresh new design and format. Now bimonthly with 40 extra pages, the Journal has more space to showcase excellence in photography from across the genres, from social documentary to the natural world, science to art, and everything in between. The focus remains firmly on pictures, and there is more scope for exploring in depth how images affect our lives. 

The print magazine will be complemented by two new monthly email newsletters that will contain unique and inspirational content, produced by the editorial team of the Journal. 

The decision to redesign the Journal and newsletters was made by RPS Council in consultation with the Representatives’ CommitteeThe new design has been developed by a team comprising RPS trustees, staff members and Think, publishers of the Journal 

The new issue features a cover image by acclaimed photographer David Bailey HonFRPS and first copies will arrive from 13 July 2020.  

A readership survey will take place in September. 

We hope you enjoy the new Journal. 

Discover more about RPS Membership → 

Photo: Evolution of the RPS Journal. Left: 1945; Right: 2020