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Please note: RPS House is closed for our exhibition install. We will be open again from 10am on Friday 9th August 2024.

Winter Home

Our pandemic journey in pictures 2

Welcome to the second half of our photographic diary of a pandemic. You can view part one here.

Each week, from April 2020 to March 2021, a new theme was opened for the RPS membership. From all the entries submitted, seven images were chosen to be displayed as the main image on the home page the following week (one a day). Below are a selection of those chosen. It was important that all the themes were achievable within the constraints of various worldwide lockdowns.


Week 20 - theme 'Letters' (closed 13 September 2020)

Urs Albrecht LRPS
Anton Panchenkov

Top: Urs Albrecht LRPS 
Bottom: Anton Panchenkov

The top image seems to represent the chaos of new words that we were all hearing related to the pandemic (COVID, coronavirus etc). While the bottom image, which appears to show a city worker on their daily commute to work, is a stark reminder of how much things changed for those of us who were no longer allowed to do this.


Week 21 - theme 'Sport' (closed 20 September 2020) 

Simon Maddison LRPS
Bernie Totten
CREDIT: Bernie Totten
Anna Withey LRPS
CREDIT: Anna Withey LRPS

Top: Simon Maddison LRPS
Middle: Bernie Totten LRPS
Bottom: Anna Withey LRPS

Most of the images submitted for this theme were from archives of photographs held by RPS members. They were extremely nostalgic, showing fun past occasions when we were free to mix in groups.

Children playing games in the street brought a bit of welcome fun to our regulated lives. The top picture captures this feeling perfectly.


Week 22 - theme 'Urban' (closed 25 September) 

Chris Renk
CREDIT: Chris Renk
Alexey Belov
CREDIT: Alexey Belov

Top: Chris Renk
Bottom: Alexey Belov

Many of the images entered for this theme showed bleak urban emptiness. Architectural spaces devoid of human presence. Where there were people evident, they felt surreal and almost like they were intruding on an apocalyptic film set. 


Week 23 - theme 'Transport' (closed 4 October)

Nadia Awad
CREDIT: Nadia Awad
Siegfried Rubbert LRPS
CREDIT: Siegfried Rubbert LRPS
Conor Donnelly 1

Top: Nadia Awad
Middle: Siegfried Rubbert LRPS
Bottom: Conor Donnelly LRPS

Public transport, and in particular underground trains, featured prominently in 'Transport' week. Like the 'Urban' theme, many of the images submitted depicted emptiness or a single lonely traveller.

The skateboard photograph awarded us a moment of intimacy with a solo traveller, enhanced by the closeness to the subject, at a time when individuals were largely invisible. 


Week 24 - theme 'Autumn' (closed 11 October)

Grahame Soden ARPS
CREDIT: Grahame Soden ARPS
Urs Albrecht LRPS
C Edwards ARPS A

Top: Grahame Soden ARPS
Middle: Urs Albrecht LRPS
Bottom: Clive Edwards ARPS

Seasonal themes always guarantee a wealth of beautiful images and our 'Autumn' week was no different.

There was a real variety in subject matter chosen but all the featured photographers skilfully captured the magic and colours of the time of the year.


Week 25 - theme 'Interior' (closed 18 October) 

Paul Edmunds 11 89 10. Blue Room
Alexey Belov
CREDIT: Alexey Belov

Top: Paul Edmunds ARPS
Bottom: Alexey Belov

Strangely, most of the 'Interior' week entries had a predominance of the colour blue in them. They were also largely interiors of buildings which was a surprise as the topic could be interpreted in many different ways.


Week 26 - theme 'Weather' (closed 25 October)

John Credland ARPS
CREDIT: John Credland ARPS
Conor Donnelly
CREDIT: Conor Donnelly
Paul Fowler
CREDIT: Paul Fowler

Top: John Credland ARPS
Middle: Conor Donnelly LRPS
Bottom: Paul Fowler

The weather felt predictable and safe in its unpredictability during the pandemic and, perhaps consequentially, people embraced the theme with lots of stunning entries. 


Week 27 - theme 'Documentary' (closed 30 October) 

André Bergmans
CREDIT: André Bergmans
Yasser Alaa Mobarak LRPS
CREDIT: Yasser Alaa Mobarak LRPS
Dr Sarah Newton ARPS
CREDIT: Dr Sarah Newton ARPS

Top: André Bergmans
Middle: Yasser Alaa Mobarak LRPS
Bottom: Dr Sarah Newton ARPS

An interesting week as there were not a great number of entries for what is normally an incredibly popular topic. In England we started a second lockdown on the 5 November so it is possible that this had an impact on those who would normally enter from here.


Week 28 - theme 'Archive' (closed 8 November) 

Bernie Totten
CREDIT: Bernie Totten
Pabitra Sen Sharma
CREDIT: Pabitra Sen Sharma

Top: Bernie Totten LRPS
Bottom: Pabitra Sen Sharma

This week, people were challenged to scour their archives for their best images. A lot of the work submitted was in black and white. 


Week 29 - theme 'Work' (closed 22 November) 

Pabitra Sen Harma
CREDIT: Pabitra Sen Harma
Yasser Alaa Mobarak LRPS
CREDIT: Yasser Alaa Mobarak LRPS
Urs Albrecht LRPS
CREDIT: Urs Albrecht LRPS
Sanjoy Sengupta LRPS
CREDIT:  Sanjoy Sengupta LRPS

Top: Pabitra Sen Harma
Next: Yasser Alaa Mobarak LRPS
Next: Urs Albrecht LRPS

Bottom: Sanjoy Sengupta LRPS

The 'Work' theme was fascinating as it showed so many different kinds of jobs around the world. It was also lovely and felt important seeing people getting on with their lives despite the pandemic.


Week 30 - theme 'Hope' (closed 29 November)

Rob Kershaw ARPS
CREDIT: Rob Kershaw ARPS

Rob Kershaw ARPS

This was the least subscribed week of the whole competition. Was the topic difficult or the feeling of hope gone?


Week 31 and 33 - theme 'Winter' (closed 20 December) 

Pam Sherren ARPS
CREDIT: Pam Sherren ARPS
June Hanson
CREDIT: June Hanson
Edmund Nagele FRPS
CREDIT: Edmund Nagele FRPS
Paul Fowler
CREDIT: Paul Fowler
Rob Kershaw ARPS
CREDIT: Rob Kershaw ARPS
Jeremy O'Keeffe ARPS
CREDIT: Jeremy O'Keeffe ARPS

Top: Pam Sherren ARPS
Next: June Hanson
Next: Edmund Nagele FRPS
Next: Paul Fowler
Next: Rob Kershaw ARPS
Bottom: Jeremy O'Keeffe ARPS

There were so many wonderful entries for this theme that selected pictures were run over two weeks. All of the work submitted was very atmospheric. Unusually, there were a large number of of analogue photography entries.


Week 32 - theme 'Celebration' (closed 24 December)

Hassan Abuzaid
CREDIT: Hassan Abuzaid
Conor Donnelly LRPS
CREDIT: Conor Donnelly LRPS

Top: Hassan Abuzaid
Bottom: Conor Donnelly LRPS

There didn't feel much cause for celebration when this theme was released. However, competition entrants dug deep and found some lovely images to cheer everyone up at the end of the year.


Week 34 - theme 'Reflection' (closed 10 January 2021)

Lorraine Poole LRPS
CREDIT: Lorraine Poole LRPS

Lorraine Poole LRPS

While some chose to enter images of people quietly in thought, others submitted very literal images of reflection. This image sums up the two different ways of expressing the theme perfectly.


Week 35 - theme 'Shadow' (closed 17 January) 

Pabitra Sen Sharma
CREDIT: Pabitra Sen Sharma
Pam Sherren ARPS
CREDIT: Pam Sherren ARPS

Top: Pabitra Sen Sharma
Bottom: Pam Sherren ARPS

Shadows can create mood so it was interesting to see how the entries made us feel this week. The top image is a study in how to create menace. The bottom image is an excellent example of how to form the illusion of depth, texture and pattern using shadow.


Week 36 - theme 'Hobbies' (closed 24 January) 

Lorraine Poole LRPS
CREDIT: Lorraine Poole LRPS

Lorraine Poole LRPS

While many hobbies were represented, this image of one man and his dog - oh and his camera - was a great example of the lengths we photographers put ourselves through to get the right shot!


Week 37 - theme 'ICM (intentional camera movement)' (closed 31 January)

Diana Buzoianu
CREDIT: Diana Buzoianu
Jan Beesley ARPS
CREDIT: Jan Beesley ARPS

Top: Diana Buzoianu ARPS
Bottom: Jan Beesley ARPS

This was a great subject for trying at home and we had lots of entries as a result.

I love the softness of the landscape in contrast with the almost sci-fi quality of the top image.


Week 38 - theme 'Love' (closed 7 February) 

Emma Solomon
CREDIT: Emma Solomon
Joanne Van Praag
CREDIT: Joanne Van Praag
Maggie Jary ARPS
CREDIT: Maggie Jary ARPS
Sanjoy Sengupta LRPS
CREDIT: Sanjoy Sengupta LRPS

Top: Emma Solomon
Next: Joanne Van Praag
Next: Maggie Jary ARPS
Bottom: Sanjoy Sengupta LRPS

This week was proof, if we needed it, that we can have or find love in dark times. The pandemic has taught us who is really important to us.


Week 39 - theme 'Symmetry' (closed 14 February)

Mark Reeves ARPS
CREDIT: Mark Reeves ARPS
Wendy Ball
CREDIT: Wendy Ball
Urs Albrecht LRPS
CREDIT: Urs Albrecht LRPS

Top: Mark Reeves ARPS
Middle: Wendy Ball
Bottom: Urs Albrecht LRPS

The top two images are sublime in their simplicity of composition and skill of execution.

The ingenuity of photographers really is unlimited as the bottom image, of the inside of a washing machine, shows. Lockdowns cannot quash us!


Week 40 - theme 'Bokeh' (closed 21 February 2021)

Emma Delves-Broughton FRPS
CREDIT: Emma Delves-Broughton FRPS

Emma Delves-Broughton FRPS

It feels fitting to end this feature and competition with a picture by Emma Delves-Broughton - a best friend and someone who helped me get through the pandemic. Emma is also a Fellow of the RPS.

I really hope that this competition served to bring a little bit of light into your world each day, either as a viewer or as someone who entered. While it felt like the world was going crazy, the aim of the competition was to create periods of mindful focus for our members and website visitors. Heartfelt thanks to all those who participated.


The copyright on all images belongs to the photographer.