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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

701540 Press And Media Web

70:15:40 Project UK

Offering support to women, trans and non-binary people in photography & video in the UK

Today, while women comprise 70% of photography graduates, only 15% of professional photographers are women—who often earn an average of 40% less than men. ⁠

We have partnered with MPBPeerspaceThe Centre for British PhotographyUK Black Female Photographers (UKBFTOG), and SheClicks to create the 70:15:40 Project UK which will support four women, trans & non-binary people in visual storytelling in the UK.⁠

If chosen, you'll get to create a photo series or short film, exhibit your work in London and receive £40,000 worth of access to camera equipment, studio space, training and funds.⁠

Find out more and apply now →