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Remember to register for the Annual General Meeting of the Royal Photographic Society

Tram in motion
CREDIT: Katherine Maguire ARPS

Summer competition

Summer photography competition 2022

Summer Photo Competition 2022


  • Open Theme – anything goes!


  • Every member may submit three photos
  • send by to between 27 – 31 October
  • Low resolution: files no larger than 4mb
  • sRGB
  • jpeg
  • Longest side: min 1920 & max 2560 pixels
  • File name: Name-title-number.jpeg : JohnSmith-Summer-01.jpeg


  • We judge each other with points 7, 5, or 3, so every photo gets a point from each person


  • To submit your three photos from 27 – 31 October – for judging in November


  • Photos will first be published on a website linked to Carol’s for judging


  • Judging forms and link to photos will be sent out to all in the first week of November

Winning Photos

  • We place the winning photos online on our page at RPS Benelux and we publish them in our eJournal and maybe we can exhibit them

We are looking forward to seeing all the photos!

Have a great summer everybody!

RPS Benelux Chapter