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Chapter Member Interview

Today we welcome our long-time member Paul Joyce, for a chapter member interview. Paul has been a member of the chapter since its inception in 2009. Let's see what he answers to our questions!

Paul Joyce LRPS


Pauljoyce Headdshot

Question no. 1: How did you get into photography?

Via my late father who started letting me look through the viewfinder of his Canon AE-1 and take the odd shot. I was hooked seeing what photos developed from it, patiently waiting for the day the developed film arrived. In later years I bought my own SLR and took it everywhere. I then moved into digital to make it easier for travelling and now I shoot both digital and film

Question no. 2: Who are your photographic role models?

Apart from the classic photographers like Bresson, Frank, etc. at the moment I really admire the work of three people: Daniel Milnor, Frank Jackson and Anton Kusters. I’ve met two of them personally but got to know them through their long-form project work that I was in awe of and all three provide great inspiration. Too many people are in a rush these days to shoot something and get it online to earn their likes and comments. Yet there is something about working on a project for say a year or longer that seems to produce so much better quality work and gives you time to digest a project, let it marinate and give you time to think.

Question no. 3: What do you like to photograph most?

Everything and anything. I’m happy shooting at a location, just wandering around an area to see what I can see. I like going to new places that I’ve not been to before, to help open my eyes. I always try to have a couple of personal projects on-going so that whenever I have the time I can work on taking more photos related to the project.

Question no. 4: How do you approach a shooting? Do you choose the location/subject in advance, or do you just drive blindly somewhere and start taking pictures?

For me it's all about the light. I could be walking in the street and something catches my eye, the way the light reflects or how a shadow is created, whatever it may be and I will compose and take a photo. There needs to be something (almost a gut reaction) that makes me stop and think. Take a different route home one day and you would be amazed at what you come across.

Question no. 5: Are there a few dream places you would like to photograph?

There are many places I have travelled to in the past when I was younger such as all over Asia, Australia, America, etc. all when I was not really into photography too much or when I only had a 2 megapixel digital camera. Half of me would love to go back to some of those places and shoot them with equipment i have now, both digitally and film. Then again, the world has changed and many places are very different now since I’ve been there and I have those memories in my head.

Question no. 6: How necessary is high-quality equipment for you?

Not at all! Aside from my small Olympus mirrorless camera I also shoot 35mm using a 20 year old swing-lens panoramic camera, some old point-and-shoots as well as 120 film using a 1956 Minolta Autocord. More important to me is having a camera you feel comfortable and familiar with. You only have to look back at some of our predecessors to see how many wonderful photos they created with just one body, one lens.

Question no. 7: What 3 tips would you give to someone who is just getting interested in photography?

  1. If you own a camera right now, rather than invest in equipment spend some money on travel. Go to places you've never been to before and discover something new. It doesn't have to be a lot of money, even spending a small amount to go on a day-trip somewhere you've never been to before is enough. Just go out and explore the world and take photos that you want to capture to record the moment.

  2. If you use a digital camera, treat it like a film camera and try to limit yourself. Don't take 100 photos of one location, stop and think about what you are trying to capture and why. Taking more digital photos just means you have even more work during the editing process.

  3. Find a couple of people that inspire you, that take photos you really like. Reach out to them and ask them questions, tell them why you like their photo. A lot can be learnt from speaking to fellow photographers, even if it is just via email
Green Seats
Journey Home
Time To Relax
Waiting For A Train

Thank you, Paul, for giving us an insight into your photographic motivation and inspiration. We hope to see more of your fantastic Portfolio on our Website in near future!



Vita of Paul Joyce

Originally from Oxfordshire in the UK, he has lived in Germany since 1993 and became a German Citizen in 2018. He lives 15 mins outside of Munich with his family and tries to spend as much time as possible with photography.



Twitter: @follyview

Instagram: @follyview