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Please note: RPS House is closed for our exhibition install. We will be open again from 10am on Friday 9th August 2024.

Epo Portrait

Chapter Member Interview

Today we welcome Eberhard Potempa for a chapter member interview. Eberhard has been a member of the chapter since 2018. Let's see what he answers to our questions!

Eberhard Potempa


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Question no. 1: How did you get into photography?

My father worked for decades for the company ROBOT, which is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Jenoptik AG.  

I had a 35 mm camera from this company in my hands when I was a little boy. At the age of 18, I had my first contact with analogue photography.  

At that time, I mainly took my camera with me on holiday and captured people and landscapes in pictures. With the advent of digital photography, I expanded my photographic knowledge more and more.  

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Question no. 2: Who are your photographic role models?

I have no photographic role models who have influenced me in a special way.  

However, I like to look at the two books “Perfect Photos with System” and “Perfect Light with System” by Roberto Valenzuela, world-renowned photography trainer and best-selling author.

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Question no. 3: What do you like to photograph most?

I like to photograph landscapes on my holiday trips and people in foreign countries.  

But also my 4 grandchildren are photographed as often as possible and every year I create an individual photo book that each grandchild gets as a birthday present. I pay special attention to detail shots.  

A long time ago I discovered how colourful rusty metal looks in the sunlight.  

As a long-time hobby pilot, I also have the opportunity to photograph landscapes from a bird’s eye view and then compose them on the screen.  

The camera is with me on every flight! It is only now, in Corona times, that I have taken up abstract photography ICM and discovered a new photographic field of activity for myself. 

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Question no. 4: Is there anything you don't like to photograph at all?

Since I am very broadly positioned photographically, it is difficult for me to say what I don’t like to photograph at all.  

For lack of suitable equipment, I have refrained from taking underwater pictures so far. But what is not yet can still become ... 

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Question no. 5: How do you approach a shooting? Do you choose the location/subject in advance, or do you just drive blindly somewhere and start taking pictures?

Rather rarely do I have a specific motif in mind and go there several times, e.g. to test the best light conditions and the suitable location.  

Quite often the motif “spontaneously appeared” and I try to put it in the right light. 

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Question no. 6: Are there a few dream places you would like to photograph?

Within Europe, I’ve already seen a lot of beautiful places and I’ve let off steam photographically there. Outside Europe, there are so many dream places that would attract me.  

For example, the Grand Canyons in the USA, Uluru (Ayers Rock) in Australia and the natural landscape of Patagonia in South America, to name just a few.  

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Question no. 7: How necessary is high-quality equipment for you?

So far, I have not attached importance to high-quality equipment. I shoot with a full-frame camera and a standard lens and try to avoid changing lenses as much as possible.  

That certainly sounds a bit conservative, but I get along very well with it for my needs. 

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Question no. 8: What 3 tips would you give to someone who is just getting interested in photography?

  1. It is very important to develop a good eye for the lens to be photographed. a template with an open area (2:3) can be very helpful in determining the correct photographic detail.
  2. Develop an enjoyment of photography and start with not too much equipment. The more photos that are taken and admired by friends, the more likely you are to want to improve, and this can develop into a passion.
  3. Contact like-minded people as early as possible to exchange ideas and learn from others.


Thank you, Eberhard, for giving us an insight into your photographic motivation and inspiration. We hope to see more of your fantastic Portfolio on our Website in near future!