December 25 Challenge

25 December 2024


December 25th 2024 Challenge

For many the 25th of December is known as Christmas Day but this is not celebrated in all countries or by all religions.  So we thought it would be interesting, as well as educational, for us to see what happens on this date around the world. 


Your challenge is to take an image which shows a typical day for you on December 25th.  Are you partying on the beach, are you at a religious gathering or eating a celebratory meal with family.  Maybe it is a perfectly normal day and you are scrubbing the kitchen floor or going to work.


Whatever you are doing at some time during the day take a photo and then in no more than 20 words tell us something about it. 

For example: we spend the day with the family eating a special meal and opening presents. 


Save your photo using the following titling format

  • Country_image title_your name (and RPS letters if you have them).jpg

        Example: UK_opening presents_Janet Haines ARPS.jpg

  • Images should be no larger than 2000px on the longest side, jpg and sRGB. 

        No file larger than 5mb.

Email these to  by 30th of December and we will make a Zine which will go up online during January for us all to enjoy.