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Please note: RPS House is closed for our exhibition install. We will be open again from 10am on Friday 9th August 2024.

CREDIT: Sean Goodhart ARPS

Contemporary Online Exhibition

In early August Members of the Contemporary special interest group of the RPS received by email an invitation to submit images to the Online Exhibition.  Our intention is that we use this opportunity to showcase current work and involve all members of the group.

Given the nature of contemporary work we do not wish to be too prescriptive on theme or subject yet would like to address some themes that are of interest and relevance at the current time. There are three themes:

  1. Open: any work that is both recent, and previously not exhibited.
  2. Life in Lockdown: any work that shows aspects of how life feels to have changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Images for this theme should have been made since 22 March 2020 up to the closing date for the call.
  3. Climate change: any work that shows positive mitigation rather that more usual images of environmental degradation. We want to showcase what can and is being done to encourage more positive initiatives.

Submissions are by email to:

Images: a series of 5 single images; maximum size of 2000 pixels on the longest side, in jpeg format. Please name the file as: membershipnumber_theme_title.jpeg, for example 83595_open_greenspace.jpg

Please include in your email: your name, RPS distinction, and a brief statement of intent (max 50 words).

The closing date is 31st October 2020.