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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

APC 3067
CREDIT: Sean Goodhart ARPS

A World Contemporary Photography Event

We have two opportunities to take part in the World Photography event in August.


An Entire Day - 19 August 2024

This year the RPS are asking its members to actively take part in World Photography Day on Monday, August 19th, 2024.  That will be a single day event - about "An Entire Day".  Members of this Contemporary Group might like to post images about issues and events going on in that day.  The RPS have a gallery set up to allow members to post their images:  Please size images at 2000 pixels on the longest edge when using this portal.  Note that the portal allows multiple image uploads.

The longer view - 12-26 August 2024

The organisers of the World Photography "day" are promoting a two-week-long worldwide celebration of photography beginning a week before World Photography Day, on August 12th, and running a week after, through August 26th.  This is perhaps an opportunity to focus activity on a project you've been thinking of, perhaps treating it as an "image per day" challenge.

On each day of the event period use your favourite social media platforms to share a photo that you've taken that has meaning to you, along with the story behind it.  It would be fabulous for members of the Contemporary Group to submit sequences of images on ideas and issues you're investigating.


Whether you're taking the long view or just taking part on the day please use the following hashtags on your posts:











For more information see (please watch out for Google ads inserted in that page offering to download miscellaneous junk programs - just ignore them!)