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Remember to register for the Annual General Meeting of the Royal Photographic Society

CREDIT: Alan Cameron ARPS

Edinburgh Ootput – e-zine on Issuu

The Scottish Contemporary and Documentary photography groups had our second Day Oot this year, down to Edinburgh for the Fringe this time.

Ten members met, roughly ½ got there early and met at Edinburgh Photographic Society to wander round the RPS Scotland Annual Exhibition, the EPS member’s Nature Exhibition, and the Edinburgh International Salon Exhibition. It was a great start to our annul Fringe Day Oot. After that we headed up to meet the other RPS members and go to the main Fringe drag, the Royal Mile, via Cockburn St.

CREDIT: Alec Davies LRPS

We spent the morning waking around then met back up for a lunch and catch up, before doing it all again in the afternoon. The ones who hadn’t managed to get to EPS for the morning headed there later in the afternoon, to finish their day there.

Output from the day has been put together in this e-zine on Issuu


CREDIT: Monica Vella

"Turd Man" by Alan Cameron ARPS

"Street Performers" by Alec Davies LRPS

"Dude" by Monica Vella