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Lindabembridge Retrace
CREDIT: Linda Bembridge FRPS

Linda Bembridge FRPS, A Solo Show

At Obsidian Art, Stoke Mandeville, Bucks, 8th July - 4th September 2022

Hi Everyone,

Where does the time go! The longest day is behind us here in the UK and, frighteningly, it will be Christmas soon!!

Well it's all go here. I have been very busy working on all things 'Exhibition' related and I think I might finally have everything done. 

I hugely underestimated the work involved but I finally have everything framed that needs to be framed, the Online-Shop is updated and all the browser items are packaged up and ready to go.

I certainly feel that I have done my best and that's all I can ask of myself. Please take a look at my blog to find out more about what I have been up to.

I have also been invited onto a couple of Podcasts since my last blog. It was great fun to be a guest on Biblioscapes to talk about my book and the philosophy behind it. Please take a listen if you get a chance. For more information on this please take a quick look at my blog.

And finally, please take a look at my book if you get a chance. I have been completely blown away by the feedback so it might definitely be time to treat yourself.

Stay safe and take care


Obsidian Art Gallery
Layby Farm, Old Risborough Road,
Stoke Mandeville,
HP22 5XJ


Images by Linda Bembridge FRPS