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My Photographic Passions

by Mike Stringer LRPS

Mike, when did your photographic journey begin?

"I have always liked taking pictures ever since my late teens when I enjoyed capturing my mates messing about!  But it was only when my family started to come along that I realised the full benefit of photography, capturing the kids playing and holiday memories."

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CREDIT: Mike Stringer LRPS
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When did you start to take your photography to the next level?

"In my fifties I was introduced to digital photography and this got my taste buds going.  I started a six week beginners' course and my adventure started, I was hooked!

My first digital camera was a Nikon D40.  I found it amazing, what I could do with my images.  The only problem was that I was completely useless with the computer.  It was like another language to me."

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Your processing skills have clearly improved.  How did you get to where you are today?

"I started processing with Adobe Elements and this lasted me right up until I started subscribing to Photoshop and Lightroom more recently.

This move really made a difference to my processing.  I mainly use Lightroom with a little bit of Photoshop, but I am always trying to learn new techniques."

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What got you interested in sports and people photography?

"When you start with digital photography you try your hand at everything, landscapes, people, flowers.  Just about anything.

A friend suggested I join the local camera club, Grimsby Photographic Society, and it was there that I met someone who introduced me to sports photography and I found my true passion.

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There is just something about going to a sporting venue, whatever it is, spending the day or evening shooting and then the excitement of getting home and downloading your images and finding a gem.  You also find a load of rubbish but that’s life!  

The more you do these shoots the better you get at it, and when you visit a venue 2 or 3 times you can try out different ideas.

In the last couple of years I have been trying my hand at portrait or people photography after being introduced to this genre by a good friend."



"This has become another passion for me.  Completely different to sports, as you have complete control over the lighting.  

Sadly, as I write this we are in lockdown with the coronavirus and all my planned shoots this year will, more than likely, be written off.  I  have done a couple of shoots over the last year and am raring to go again as soon as we are able to."


Your passion for photography clearly comes through in your words and your images.  What does it mean to you?

"Photography to me is a wonderfully creative hobby.  Being with like-minded people.  The excitement of the shoot.  Always learning something new.  Challenging yourself as with the RPS distinctions."

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"Just basically having FUN!"

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