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The Decisive Moment November 2024 Edition 31; Raymond Hughes ARPS
CREDIT: Raymond Hughes ARPS

The Decisive Moment November 2024

Cover Photo: Raymond Hughes ARPS

In this edition we have an In Focus feature on the work of Ashok Viswanathan, two successful Distinctions Associateship panels from Clive Watkins and Raymond Hughes, work by Armando Jongejan FRPS and a review of Homer Sykes’ book, An Annual Affair.

We have recently updated the Documentary Group Plans for 2025-2026. These are summarised on page 7 and are published in full in the About Us section of the website.

In this edition we have an In Focus feature on the work of Ashok Viswanathan, two successful Distinctions Associateship panels from Clive Watkins and Raymond Hughes, work by Armando Jongejan FRPS, a review of Homer Sykes’ book, An Annual Affair, plus our usual updates of events and news.

We are preparing for the final exhibition of the Documentary Photography Awards (DPA) at RPS House, Bristol (January to March 2025).  The number of images is being expanded so that we can make good use of the main exhibition space and we will aim to hold an in-person opening event. If you are in and around Bristol it would be great to see you. Submissions for DPA 2025 is planned to start in May next year.

In the last edition of DM I talked about two key elements in documentary work - What is the story? and Why are you doing it? We will cover these questions in our new “What’s the Story?” workshop series which should be ready to launch in early 2025. We are just putting the final touches to our content and resources. To make access to the course easier our intent is to run the workshop online as three, 2-hour evening events.  If there is sufficient demand, we will look to run the workshop a couple of times a year.

Another aspect to consider in documentary work is how you intend to approach the project. Research is an important part of documentary photography; it gives you potential new insights and knowledge and helps inform what you might be focussing your photography on. For ideas and insights on different approaches check out the Resources page of our website, which has pages covering books on documentary or related photography practice and photobooks we consider noteworthy.

We already have two new Engagement Talks lined up for 2025, with Tom Booth Woodger (photographer, designer and publisher of Bluecoat books on 27 February) and Murray Ballard (photographer on 27 March). We will likely hold our AGM just before one of these talks, and we will formally notify you in due course. More talks and events will follow.

As we approach the end of the year, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for supporting our events and especially to our teams of volunteers (Nick L, Andrew, Nick H, Val, Harry and Wayne), our Local teams and our joint teams with Contemporary group (Peter, Richard, David, Steff, Alan, Philip, Chris, Jeff, Carol and Steve), without whom we could not deliver our local activities. Additional thanks go to all those who helped install, take down or invigilate our touring exhibition.


Mark A Phillips FRPS

Chair, Documentary Group