Adrian Davies Unseen World

Photographing the Unseen World Saturday 12th December 16.00 - 17.30

There are many natural objects and events that are either too fast or too slow for the human eye to perceive, or outside the visible spectrum of the human eye. This talk by Adrian Davies will look at different techniques to records such subjects, including high speed and time lapse, polarised light, and ultraviolet and infrared radiation, and show how some of these can be used to reveal valuable information about them. Adrian Davies has been a wildlife, natural history and scientific photographer for over 35 years. Following a career lecturing in photography and digital imaging, he has recently been devoting a large part of his time to photographing “invisible” subjects, using UV, IR and various other techniques. His latest book: Photographing the Unseen World was published in June and there is an article by him in the latest copy of the Iris.

Book Here (Free to RPS Members £5 for non RPS)