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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

Redshank On Ice By Steve Parrish

Redshank Skating at Blacktoft Sands by Steve Parrish

White Tailed Lapwing By Steve Parrish
Black Tailed Godwit Preening By Duncan Locke ARPS
Marsh Harrier By Steve Parrish
Snipe Display By Ann Miles
Redshank By Duncan Locke ARPS

On Sunday 28th November, in subzero temperatures, five Naure Group members visited BlacktoftSands, which is a remote but very appealing RSPB reserve on the Humber Estuary.

At the moment it is entertaining increased visitor numbers due to the presence of a rare vagrant from Iran - the White-tailed Lapwing Image by Steve Parrish)

One of the 6 hides gave excellent views of Snipe, Blacktailed Godwits and Redshank foraging on the shoreline. I was intrigued by the tail lifting display of the Snipe as a defence of their territories.

Many thanks to Steve and Janet Parrish for being our guides for the visit and to Peter Ward who organised the outing.

 Blacktailed Godwit Duncan Locke



Marsh Harrier Steve Parrish

Snipe Display Ann Miles





Blacktailed Godwit Peter Ward

Redshank by Duncan Locke






Blacktoft Sands Ann Miles


Blacktoft Sands By Ann Miles