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Please note: RPS House is closed for our exhibition install. We will be open again from 10am on Friday 9th August 2024.

Alison RPS Day Out (2 Of 3)

Nature Group Visit to Brandon Country Park

6 Nature Group members visited Brandon Country Park, Suffolk, yesterday in search of fungi . (Porcelain Toadstool by Alison Jenkins ARPS )

Simon SA10418 Edit1
Matt Stack 22 MC1 7701 7710 Dmap
Mike 2O4A9681 Edit
Ann Brandon Fungi 9
Matt Stack 16 MC1 7510 7539 Dmap
Simon Lowres SA10458
Mike 2O4A9957 Edit Edit

Although fungi were down in the numbers of specimens, we found a good range of species and were never short of a specimen to practise our macro techniques including focus stacking. (Left: Shining Inkcaps by Simon Jenkins; Right: Mycena species by Matt Clarke)




Mike Harris photographed this very attractive Blusher (left) while Ann Miles (right) spent most of the time photographing very small toadstools in the leaf litter.







Boletus edulis by Matt Clarke, Mycena species by Simon Jenkins and Witches' Hat by Mike Harris 





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Below  Upright Coral (Ann Miles)

Ann Brandon Fungi 10