
Nature Group Outing to Whixall Moss

Green Hairstreak at Whixall Moss, Friday 13th May 2022

Raft Spider By Bruce Kendrick
Raft Spider By Andrew Williams
By Ann Miles20220513 DSCF5603
Green Hairstreak Butterfly By Andrew Williams
Drinker Moth By Jane Moore

A group of 7 Members and Non-Members of the RPS Nature Group spent a wonderful day at Whixall Moss in Shropshire last Friday under the excellent guidance of Stephen Barlow, a local naturalist. In the morning we were looking for the local special species


We all managed good sightings and hopefully acceptable images of the Raft Spiders (Left: Raft spider by Bruce Kendrick; Right: Raft Spider by Andrew Williams)



The White-faced Darters were a litlle more elusive due to the strong winds (Right by Ann Miles)


Our visit coincided with filming for a new series with Iolo Williams on Welsh borders Wildlife (Left by Ann Miles)




One or two managed reasonable images of the Green Hairstreaks and Drinker Moth Caterpillar. The highlight for me was the Blue Shieldbug laying eggs (Right: Green Hair Streak by Andrew Williams; Left: Drinker Moth Caterpillar by Jane Moore; Below: Blue Shield Bug by Ann Miles)


For more events to attend go to Nature (rps.org)

By Ann Miles20220513 DSCF3121 Edit Edit