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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 


Nature Group Visit to Summer Leys Northamptonshire

Wasp spider by Carole Harvey


A group of six Nature Group members met at 9 am at Summer Leys Nature Reserve on a cool but still and dry morning on Sunday. Within a short time we located a Wasp Spider and set about capturing the best images we could of this wonderfully marked spider and its characteristic web complete with silken ladder. We soon found out that this was the first record of a Wasp Spider at Summer Leys Nature Reserve right so, by lunch time, there was a steady stream of photographers come to snap the very impressive spider - amazing how fast news spreads these days. The sun came out at regular intervals during the day and we had great views of all kinds of insects as our images show. Even a few birds for John in the afternoon

Darter on Teasel by Dave Belton

Wasp Spider by Dave Belton

Common Blue Damsefly by Dave Belton

Mating Hoverflies by John Kirkelionis 

Great White Egret John Kirkelionis 

Daedocoris Bug by Dave McKay

Ichneumon by Carole Harvey

Roesel's Cricket by Dave Mc Kay

Scorpion Fly by Dave McKay

Speckled Wood by Dave Belton

Metellina Spider by Ann Miles

Spiked Shield Bug by Ann Miles

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