On 10th May, five members spent a peaceful and very rewarding day among the orchids near Stamford in Lincolnshire expertly led by Ken Rassmussen. Our first site was a small reserve with just two meadows but such a delight to see them carpeted in yellow cowslips punctuated with the bright purples and pinks of the Green-winged Orchids (Images Ann Miles, Mike Harris).
There were also Water Avens (images Ken Rassmussen, Gordon Brown), Lady's Smock (Mike Harris) and Adder's Tongue, species indicative of ancient wet meadows
In the afternoon, we moved to Barnack Hills and Holes, a National Nature Reserve that was a mass of Early Purple Orchids (Ann Miles) together with Pasque flowers. The latter were coming to the end of their season but still new blooms to photograph along with the impressive flower heads (Images: Gordon Brown)
There were also Man Orchids just starting to flower (Mike Harris)
For more events to attend go to Nature (rps.org)
Below: Group by Ann Miles