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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

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Visit to Brandon Country Park

Yellow Stagshorn by Simon Jenkins ARPS

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We met at 9 am at Brandon Country Park Suffolk on a clear sunny but very chilly morning,

There had been a lot of rain in the previous days so we were hopeful that there would be plenty of fungi to photograph. We were right - the leaf litter, stumps and fallen branches abounded in specimens to hone our macro skills.

Lots of techniques were tried including getting down really low and using natural backlighting from the sun, giving high contrast very pictorial images. Quite a few were focus stacking with wide apertures to get a non-distracting background while taking the fungi in their environment with wider angle lens also worked well with the very attractive woodland surroundings.

After lunch some time was spent in the wood close to the Visitor centre where large clumps of Sulphur Tufts were found plus lots of other species including an attractive red slime mould.

Images by John Bulpitt, Ann Miles, Mike Harris, Chris Pepler and Simon Jenkins

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