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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

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Nature Group Open Day at Paxton Pits

(Image by Penny Reeves)

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On Wednesday 12th June , the RPS Nature Group held an Open Photography Day at Paxton Pits Nature Reserve in conjunction with the Friends of Paxton Pits (The Friends of Paxton Pits – Paxton Pits Nature Reserve (
Over 40 visitors enjoyed the day which included demonstrations on Macro (close-up) techniques by David Smith of OM Systems.
There were wildlife walks to explore what Paxton Pits has to offer in the way of birds, insects or flowers led by Volunteers from the Friends of Paxton Pits.
Visitors were very grateful to the 8 experienced macro photographers who helped them find various damselflies, dragonflies and other insects to photograph including the star of the day, an emerging Four-spot Chaser.
Paxton Pits is now designated a Dragonfly Hotspot by the Dragonfly Society. It is home to an impressive 26 species of dragonfly and damselfly and a large number of butterfly and other insects species so there was plenty for both macro and telephoto enthusiasts to aim their lens at.

Images by Penny Reeves, Carole Harvey, John Kirkelionis, Jacqui Hill, Ann Miles, Sally Freeman and Mike Harris). See Gallery of Images RPSNature - Paxton Pits Open Day

For more events to attend go to Nature (

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