Alexandra Doughty Heron

Herons, Peregrines and Nuthatches

Grey Heron Taking Off by Alexandra Doughty

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Pergrine Mike Harris

Most of the group met at 7.30 am in the car park and walked down to the lake to observe and photograph the Heronry that for many years has existed in the centre of the public park. This year there appear to be at least 5 nests and one of the pairs were busy with nest building. The light was excellent giving first-class opportunities to take Herons in flight. We were joined during our hour or so on the side of the Lake by various other Nature Group Members giving a final total for our party of 14. 

Apart from the Herons (Mike Harris, Ann Miles, Geraint Williams )there were plenty of other birds to photograph including Great Crested Grebes (Jane Moore), Red Kite (Keith Gypps), Canada geese (Andrew Chu), Coots (Alexandra Doughty) and Mute Swans (below text Chris Holt)




Some of the party later walked up to the Cathedral as it was reported that the pair of Peregrines had returned to the area. No sign of them when we arrived but we were shown a wonderful crevice in the walls where a Nuthatch was busy building and entrance of mud to its nesting area (Ann Miles).  The Nuthatch was soon abandoned as the Peregrine pair arrived with the male alighting on the Cathedral and calling to the female. He took off and the pair gave a wonderful aerobatic display though not really a photographic opportunity as distant and into the light (Peregrines Keith Gypps and Mike Harris).







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