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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 


Flower photography with the Nature Group

6 Members enjoyed a day with the orchids (Image Penny Reeves)


On 11th May, six members spent a very rewarding day among the orchids near Stamford in Lincolnshire expertly led by Ken Rasmussen. 

Our first venue was Barnack Hills and Holes, a National Nature Reserve that has an abundance of Early Purple Orchids (Ann Miles) together with Pasque flowers.

The latter were coming to the end of their season but still new blooms to photograph along with the impressive seed heads. We also found three Man Orchids an improvement on last year's numbers. 

In the afternoon we moved to Cribbs Meadow, a small reserve near Thistleton where the orchids were nowhere near as abundant as last year but  there were still some Green-winged Orchids in bloom among the Cowslips and we also spent time photographing Water Avens and Adder's Tongue, species indicative of ancient wet meadows

Images by Ann Miles, Ken Rassussen and Penny Reeves (visited on a previous weekend) 

The Group Barnack