How long have you been photographing?
About 6 or 7 years in a serious way, although I have always been interested in photography and both painted and took photographs since I was a teenager.
Can you tell us a little about your practice?
I work mostly In series', trying to develop a theme or backstory that means something to me, which I can hopefully then communicate to others. I'm always interested in what things are about and how they make me feel, rather than just how they look.
What inspires your work?
Big landscapes, topography and interesting places always inspire me, that and the small signs and details of human influence on the landscape (including urban landscapes) - it's a constant source of fascination for me, how we have shaped and developed the natural world for good and for bad. In fact our effect on the environment generally is an Important theme running through my work.
Where is your favourite place or favourite thing to photograph?
In recent years, quite by accident, I seem to have been drawn to places in the snow, all over the world and mostly in the mountains but also in towns and cities. So snow is probably my favourite thing, because of it's uniquely transformative effect, although It can be difficult to photograph.
Where can we see your work?
I currently have a selection showing in the Brunswick Gallery, Brunswick Square, Bloomsbury and I will also be showing work at the Espacio Gallery with London Independent Photography, from 14th April.
Who is your favourite female photographer and why?
I couldn't possibly pick just one! For landscape work, I love Fay Godwin's moody gritty black and white images, they are so unmistakably hers, yet always real and never over stylised. For documentary photography, I think Shirley Baker and Tish Murtha have both done fantastic work for their respective time-periods and in both cases, their connection to the people they photograph and their humanity is evident in their images, I also think they both deserve a lot more recognition. Right now I follow Ellie Davis and her beautiful projects on trees as well as Catherine Hyland's landscape/documentary work.
Any words of advice for female photographers starting out?
I think the main thing (and the hardest thing) is to work out what it is you are really trying to say or do with your work, what your direction is. Once you have done that, then stand by it, be confident about it.
What’s next for you?
Actually something a bit different - I'm doing a completely personal series of images called Two Way Mirror, all in black and white and including text. I'm aware that having done a lot of landscape projects, it can be easy to get lost in the landscape and lose your own voice in it - this project aims to speak more directly and creatively about myself and I hope will allow me to inject that element into future projects. I will be starting to present and share that work within the next few weeks.
You can see more of Frankie’s work on her website:
and on Instagram: @frankie.mcallister

This article was published in WE ARE; The RPS Women in Photography Magazine Sept 2022