‘Siberian fight’ by Pedro Jarque Krebs
Peruvian photographer Pedro Jarque Krebs has made his mark by ignoring one half of the golden rule that you should never work with animals or children.
“I recently had a session with a Siberian tiger cub that was only a few months old at Reserva Animal la Pequeña África (Little Africa Animal Reserve) in Spain, but it was without a doubt one of the most fun times I’ve had photographing animals,” says Jarque.
“He kept playing with my shoelaces. Although he was already quite big, especially his claws, he was so playful and innocent that it turned out to be one of my happiest sessions. He also gave me an imposing pose that foreshadowed what he will be in a few years.”
Working with unpredictable creatures who don’t take direction is far from straightforward. “Another unforgettable experience was a photo session I had with a pair of baby panda twins born at the Madrid Zoo in Spain,” Jarque recalls. “They wouldn’t sit still for a second. Trying to use a black cloth as a background was completely useless due to their antics. I suffered a lot chasing them, but thanks to the help of the zoo staff and their Chinese keepers, I was able to get some very cute pictures.”
The young Siberian tigers and pandas are just two of many species captured in Jarque’s latest book WildLOVE. Working mainly in zoos, sanctuaries and other captive or controlled situations in Peru, Mexico, China, and across Europe, Jarque’s up-close, colourful portraits celebrate the beauty and diversity of animals, from elephants to seahorses.
Jarque, who spends much of his time in Spain, also hopes his photos will help people around the world value the creatures we share the planet with. “I have not only a hope but a conviction that new generations will be able to reverse the disaster our generation has caused to biodiversity,” he says.
“The last few years have seen profound changes in the world. One of the most important changes I’ve had the privilege of witnessing is the animal revolution – a revolution not of the animals, but of us, in our perception of and relationship with them.
“We understand more and more that non-human animals are conscious beings capable of experiencing feelings similar to ours, and this makes it easier for us to empathise with them. Through WildLOVE, I seek to capture and convey the idea that life in all its forms is imbued with a mystery and depth that deserves to be acknowledged and respected.”

‘Panda babies’ by Pedro Jarque Krebs
WildLOVE by Pedro Jarque Krebs is published by teNeues at £29.95. Discover more work by Jarque in the October-December 2024 issue of the RPS Journal.
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