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Remember to register for the Annual General Meeting of the Royal Photographic Society

L:Scape Photo For Article
CREDIT: Nigel Dutt

VE day story

My father was a life long photographer, usually with a Rolleiflex, which as a boy I always coveted, and later with the addition of Pentax 35mm cameras for slides. He had darkrooms set up at our various homes and I helped when it came to developing and printing my own photos after he'd started me on the photography path. That journey began with a Kodak Brownie 127 for my 7th birthday, and led after some 60 years, multiple cameras and thousands of photographs, to my finally joining the RPS SW. I am now working, with expert advice from Sue Brown, on a Fine Art ARPS.


The following story arose out of my scanning in many of my father's 70 year old wartime negatives.

Please click on the pdf link to see the full story