
Regional AGM report

SW Region AGM 2020

The Dolphin Hotel, Bovey Tracey Sunday 23 February 2020


The formal part of the meeting passed swiftly with all committee members be re-elected en-masse.

Sometime was spent in exploring the length of service of some of the committee members and Kate Constance – Volunteer Manager attended from HQ to present certificates and badges to those recipients in attendance.

The AGM closed and the meeting moved into open discussion and perhaps the key topic was the new website and some very strong opinions were expressed with some viewing the new incarnation as somewhat worst than the old site which was deemed not for purpose. Gratitude was expressed for our webmaster Mick Medley in his efforts to get to grips with the system and getting our events and news out there. Kate promised to take our feedback to HQ.

Much more positive was suggestions from the floor about possible field trips in the future these included: -

Somerset Speedway – strong support for a repeat visit this year and judged by some to be the best event of 2019.

Blow Away the Cobwebs – Graham and Carole kindly offered to put on this now traditional first event of the new year.

Cornish Walks 

Dingles Fairground Attraction

Golitha Falls

Seaton Tramway Photographic Days

Ottery Tar Barrels

Helston Floral Dance

Tavistock Goosey Fair

Port Eliot Estate

Something Railway related.

A Speaker from the Historical Group or a talk on the History of Photography.


There are only two places left on the Paul Sanders workshop on the 4 April 2020 – for details, cost and booking please contact Vivien Howse vivien.k.howse@gmail.com


Closing discussions before lunch were led by John Page on the problem of losing valuable and irreplaceable photographic archives.

After lunch Greg Bos fascinated us with the world of frontline press photographers and their trials and tribulations before talking about his 33-year magnus opus on cowboys.