Tide Pool 37
CREDIT: Susan Derges

Susan Derges

Featured artist in Squaring the Circles of Confusion: Neo-Pictorialism in the 21st century
Susan Derges - Profile
CREDIT: Clare Hewitt, courtesy of Photolocale

Meet the artist

Susan Derges studied painting and experimental media in London during the early 1970s, and subsequently worked in West Berlin for over a year. She later moved to Japan where she spent six years working, travelling and exhibiting video and photographic work based upon the visualisation of sound.

On her return to the UK she moved to Dartmoor, Devon, where she extended her studio-based work into the landscape. Susan developed the analogue, camera-less and digitally mediated images of land, interconnecting with the river, shoreline and night sky, for which she has become known and internationally recognised. Susan is an Honorary Fellow of The Royal Photographic Society. 

Explore more of Susan's work by visiting her website and Instagram or visit her Gallery

Tide Pool 7 (NC)

Tide Pool 7

Tide Pool 33 (NC)

Tide Pool 33

Tide Pool 37 (NC)

Tide Pool 37

Tide Pool 31 (NC)

Tide Pool 31