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Visitor Information: RPS House is closed until 10am Friday 17 January. 

Hansell Photo
CREDIT: Simon Dove

The Peter Hansell Scholarship Fund

The Medical Group of the Royal Photographic Society administers a scholarship fund in memory of Dr Peter Hansell HonFRPS, a pioneer of the practice and teaching of medical photography in the second half of the 20th Century.

The fund provides financial support for any person working in a programme of study or research in the field of illustrative documentation in medicine. Such support may be for the purchase of books, materials or equipment, for attendance at conferences or for travel costs incurred during a research or study project. The fund is not intended to replace finance that would usually be available from bodies such as the NHS or universities in the normal course of work or study.



Any person of any nationality, whether a member of the RPS or not, may apply for an award from the fund. Grants will not normally exceed £500. The award of grants from the fund is made by the Committee of the Medical Group of the RPS. The award is not exclusive, so could be used in conjunction with other funding to achieve a specific goal.

Successful applicants are expected to submit a final report and an article suitable for publication in the RPS Journal to the Committee on completion of their work. Expenditure under the funds provided must be supported by receipted invoices.

Once the total funding budget is reached for each year the scholarship will close until the following year.


For more information, including guidance on making an application, please contact the Honorary Secretary of the Medical Group.


Image copyright: Simon Dove, Department of Medical Illustration, Norfolk & Norwich University NHS Foundation Trust