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The Rivals

Young Carers - A life in Focus

RPS Gallery | 21st December 2022 - 21st January 2023


12 years old

The Rivals


My mum and dad can't afford fancy cars - but I love cars. I like seeing them out on the roads, looking at them in magazines and watching them on television.

In the photo these are just my model/toy cars. I had been watching some of the photography videos and I tried to use some different techniques. Trying different things out, using different backgrounds and lighting and boards to stand my cars on. I liked this photo the most because I like the contrasting colours in the cars and the floor against the background.

I also think this is my favourite photo because my Grandma, Grandad, Uncle, Aunty and my Cousins were all surprised I'd taken it! They all thought it was too good!

I'm not that big but my brother lives with dwarfism as well as a brain condition. I can see him standing up to bigger people like the smaller car seems to be facing up to the bigger car. I think this photo says that small voices will and must be heard - Stand up to bullies. It also says how photography is for everyone, give it a go and see what you can create.







My mum and dad have helped me link in with a couple of Sibs groups (siblings of disabled children).

This helps me to get time thats just for me. I made this fish in an 'art against plastics' session focused on saving our oceans. I wanted to try some photography in the dark, so I put a small light in my fish and this is in my bedroom hanging from the ceiling light. Although I think my fish looks friendly I can imagine him down in the depths of the ocean along with fish like the angler fish and blob fish!

I do think seeing the light in the dark is something all siblings of disabled children try to do sometimes - especially living with the challenges we face. And for me this is what the friendly fish does. It tells everyone that there is light within their dark and to try to look up at the stars, not down at your feet.












In The Dark
Look Up


This is my dog Buster, he is 14 years old and he's blind now, which is a sad - but he still brings his toys for you to throw for him.

I took this photo on one of the hottest days of the year. We have a little garden and Buster had gone into the shady part to try to keep cool. I lay down next to him, He knew I was there but couldn't see me. I thought from this angle that Buster looks like he is smiling. I took it in black and white to be in contrast with the bright hot day and to show that happiness is literally in the beholder - You don't have to be able to see to be happy, bright colours. I do remind my brother that animals, dogs especially, think in pictures. It calms my brother down to be around Buster because he never judges. I think that this is something I do in my caring role, I remind my brother to appreciate our dog.

I took this photo because I love Buster and he helps me too. You can also see the dry grass which is a similar shade to Buster and the hose in the background and our basketball hoop with the net missing, my brother broke it. I think this shows something about family life in the heat of the summer.













This is a photo taken in my Grandfather's garden. 

I wanted one of my photographs to show the beauty in our world. I love bees, they are brilliant. My brother and I are definitely connected by both wanting a better world for all nature. We both like bees a lot and we have rescued many bees together, from roads and streams and places. We never hurt insects, we save any we can.

One thing I like about this photo is how the bee's yellow and black stand out and the colour of the flower in the foreground captures your attention but also the bright flower in the background stands out too. It shows the things my Grandad creates in his garden, a heavenly wildspace for insects and other wildlife. I hope I made my Grandma and Grandad proud by taking this picture, my Grandad has a lot of bee friendly flowers and so his garden attracts lots of bees. I think this photo shows that have got to start looking after our planet. We don't own it. It is not ours to destroy.

The Worker

Young Carers: A Life in Focus is made in partnership with Action for Children. Supported by a National Lottery Project Grant from Arts Council England and in part through a generous donation in memory of David Wolf Kaye.