Young Carers: A Life in Focus
North Lanarkshire Young Carers
Images by Oryn, 15

The photographs were taken on a residential break to Aberdeen.
During a visit to the beach, We discussed that we used to feel alone, isolated and that we were the only young people who had caring responsibilities and people around us didn’t understand. we then discussed how close we had become and that we were glad to meet one another and to become friends with other young people in a similar situation to ourselves. We then decided to capture our thoughts in a photograph.
The first photography represents how we felt prior to support and meeting one another. The second photograph represents the group all coming together, feeling included and like a second family.”
Young Carers: A Life in Focus is made in partnership with Action for Children. Supported by a National Lottery Project Grant from Arts Council England and in part through a generous donation in memory of David Wolf Kaye.